Mister No

Mister No is an Italian comic book, first published in Italy in 1975 by Sergio Bonelli Editore. Mister No was created by writer Sergio Bonelli under the pseudonym of Guido Nolitta, and by artist Gallieno Ferri. The last number (379), published in December 2006, was set in 1969. Mister No is a former soldier who served under the United States Army and his real name is Jerry Drake. During the Second World War he moves to Manaus, in the middle of the brazilian Amazon Forest to escape from the horrors of the war. Half hero, half anti-hero, he fights for his own peace and tranquility where he hopes to gain in these wild territories. He works as an aeroplane pilot and touristic guide, flying his Piper. His best friend is the german Otto Kruger, nicknamed Esse-Esse (S-S) because of his past as officer of the Nazi German Army. Jerry, like Esse-Esse, is a lazy man who likes hanging around in Paulo Adolfo's cantina, drinking cachaça and flirting with girls, and gets involved in dangerous troubles against his will. Although many of his adventures take place in Brazil, there are several which take place in other Latin American countries, North America, Europe and Africa ...from Wikipedia.
Mister No is very popular in the countries of former Yugoslavia where it is being published/distributed to this day ...you god damn wright !!! ....from ME !

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